Our first destination in Bhutan is Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan. We met our tour guide Caiwang and the driver Simgee after checking in.

Thimphu is the largest city in Bhutan, populated around 110,000 people, including the Royal family.

When we were heading to Thimphu, Singee stopped the shuttle suddenly. We were wondering why he waited until the cars from opposite sided passed through despite we were originally ahead of them.

Caiwang said “Oh, the Bhutan’s queen is just passed by."
“What!!?" We are shocked. “How do you know that is the queen’s car ?"
“From the Licence."

He was not surprised by bumping into the royal family. The royal family is seemingly the true family member of the citizens. I am very honored to experience such a magical moment for meeting the Majesty.




不丹各個城市之間的道路鋪設得十分平坦,道路雖窄,但小巴行駛時亦沒有半分顛簸,頗為舒適。司機Simgee 忽然將車子往路邊停靠,等對面的幾輛房車駛過。中間那台黑色房車中的人似乎穿得顏色鮮艷,應該是一些政府官員吧 ?

導遊 Caiwang忽道:「剛剛皇后的車駛過了。」
我們不禁大驚:「哎呀!沒看清楚!」「你怎麼知道那個是皇后 ?」



* 在不丹,只有皇室成員才可以使用以「BHUTAN」開頭的車牌號碼。